Find Used Ford Wheelchair Vans for Sale in Maryland

Get all the information you need for buying the latest ford wheelchair vans for sale . We have countless handicap van listings in maryland . Even if you are just researching for maryland ford conversion vans then we have all the information and handicap van classifieds you need to make an informed choice.

2003 FORD Caravan Wheelchair MINI VAN For Sale

Blue 2003 Dodge Caravan Braun EVII Power kneel, side entry auto ramp, auto door, EZ lock system, in floor restraint track, manual wheel chair tie downs, auxiliary battery, power windows and locks

  • 130,000 miles

2005 FORD Freestar Wheelchair MINI VAN For Sale

Great buy, will consider offers.

  • 3.9L
  • Auto
  • 59,900 miles