How Wheelchair Vans Enhance Mobility Access

How Wheelchair Vans Enhance Mobility Access

As a disabled driver, getting from place to place is not as easy and throwing the keys into the ignition and jumping in. Rather, it often requires specialized equipment to allow you to have the flexibility necessary to maneuver a vehicle. A few decades ago, it would have been difficult to have the level of mobility that you want and need to have. Today, things have changed. It is easier than ever to get from place to place even as a wheelchair bound individual.

How Wheelchair Vans Meet Your Needs

Now that more companies are offering wheelchair vans with more adaptive features, you may find exactly what you need readily available on the market. Some may wish to purchase a used vehicle, but before you do, do consider the advantages of customizing a new vehicle to meet your particular disabilities or needs.

Look at some of the features offered by some full-sized vans and minivans.

  • Automatic door openers work just as they sound, by opening doors for you for more control and ease of use.
  • Transfer seats are another option for some vehicles. These devices help you to get into and out of the wheelchair van appropriately and easily.
  • Auto kneel allows the wheelchair van to lower appropriately for easy access into the vehicle.
  • Reduced effort steering makes it easier to steer. This gives the driver the level of mobility they need without the strain and discomfort of a traditional steering wheel.
  • Reduced effort braking enhances the need for power to press the brake. These devices enhance the ability of the driver to perform properly on the roadways.

In addition to these things, features such as removable seats, tie downs, ramps, lifts and lowered floors enhance your mobility as a passenger or a driver.

Getting Back on the Road

How will being able to drive improve or affect your life? Just consider the ways.

  • You can be in charge of when you leave and where you go. You do not have to rely on anyone or feel guilty about having to call for help.
  • You have the ability to make split decisions about your particular needs, when you need to. Do you feel like stopping for a bite to eat or perhaps staying on the road another hour? You can decide to do that.
  • See the world, or not. With wheelchair vans, you have the mobility that fits your particular life desires. Enjoy the freedom to travel wherever you would like to.
  • Feel empowered. The ability to drive is empowering and motivating.
  • Get more control over your daily life. Moreover, when you invest in a customized wheelchair van that meets your needs, you are comfortable driving.

There is no doubt that a wheelchair van will have an impact on your life as a disabled driver. The question is, then, which one will you purchase to enjoy.