Tips On How To Receive Disabled Driver Rehabilitation

Disabled Driver Rehabilitation Training For Wheelchair Van Driving

A driver who is the victim of an injury or illness which has impaired one or more limbs, including motion, strength coordination or sensation; visual dysfunction such as a visual field cut, including having a percentage of your peripheral or central vision missing, visual impairments such as double vision, loss of mobility in one or more eyes; or disabilities in cognition, such as memory, visual perception, solving problems, behavior, concentration and attention, ought to have themselves assessed with a driver rehabilitation evaluation.

Specialists In Driver Rehabilitation

Driver rehabilitation specialists receive training above and beyond that of traditional driving instructors, such as in the use of wheelchair vans that can accommodate 14 inch wheelchairs, in order to be able to accurately assess drivers who may have disabilities or medical conditions.  The driver rehabilitation specialist will more than likely already have a background in rehabilitation such as occupational therapy. They may also have training in driver education. A rehabilitation professional wishing to undertake driving rehabilitation should receive training in driver education. The reverse is true for the driver education professional; they should receive training in the field of medical conditions, and the consequences they may have on someones ability to drive.

Always research the professionals experience level and past records.  Two professional organizations are committed to widening the field of expertise of the driver rehabilitation specialist.  One of these organizations is the Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists. They hold educational seminars and provide certification for professionals seeking to expand their skills in this area.

A driver rehabilitation specialist who continues their education, and meets specific criteria by passing a certification exam receive certification from the Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists. Any instructor receiving this certification will have CDRS after their names.

Occupational Therapy Association

Extending the expertise and understanding of the occupational therapist is the main goal of the Occupational Therapy Association.  They provide continuing education through conferences and professional journals and publications, as well as providing Specialty Certification in  Driving and Community Mobility.

Any Driver Rehabilitation Specialist should be a member in at least one of these two organizations. Membership is not required and there are still many excellent and qualified driver rehabilitation specialists who do not have certification. However, being a member in either of these organizations shows a commitment to ongoing learning and skills development in the field of driver rehabilitation.

To find a Driver Rehabilitation Specialist in a particular area, the American Occupational Therapy Association keeps an updated list on their website.